Due to all kind of climate issues, the role of water is more and more important in the world. Sea levels are rising and as a result of that more and more soil is salinizing. In some areas in the world fresh water is becoming scarce. But fresh water is an essential product to create green spaces. No green without water!

I live in the Netherlands, a country which is partly below sea level. All over the country we have water Authority’s who are in charge of things as waterways, the dikes and the groundwater levels. They search for a balance between enough fresh water for everyone and enough groundwater and surface water for the farmers. The last few months are extremely dry in the Netherlands, so all the green fields are slowly turning brown.

No green without water 30″ x 40″
Hand dyed and hand painted cotton.
Machine pieced and quilted
I like the layers you show, of water, growing green and flowers and brown, shriveled vegetation— it is a complex story, with layers. I remember my one and only trip to the Netherlands with images of canals and waterways and glowing fields of flowers. Thank you for providing the hidden layers…