Guest Artist, Hyunjoo Cho

This is my town. The blue circle in the middle !!! It’s me. Oh, the neighbor next door went out to somewhere… It looks like every circle is isolated. It’s actually isolated. We live in different colors and different shapes in our own space. Nevertheless, everyone has a relationship and communicates with each other. I can even see that they’re connected together with thread including me.
If we continue to expand our communication thread circles, we don’t think we feel isolated and will be as happy as we were before. I don’t want to give up HOPE.
Hi all,I like circle and thread quilting. The middle circle is our different faces. Thread circles are how I expressed my relationships. My work symbolizes City or Country or All over the world.
Still Life is Good
Hyunjoo Cho
43 ×35
cotton, threads
printed , eco printed , machine stitched, machine pieced
What a wonderful, hopeful piece, Hyunjoo. Your concept and execution are wonderful. Thank you for being one of our guest artists!
This looks hopeful and I like the idea of people being still connected to each other. Great piece!
Each circle seems to vibrate with energy, and now I see that the energy connects to another energy, which connects to another… what a beautiful idea.
Really clear and so easy to relate to. Visually pleasing as well!