We live in a world where the pace is getting faster and faster.  People are in more of a hurry.  Hardly any time for each other anymore.

A few examples.

Because of social media, we get a lot of information to process in all kinds of areas at a rapid pace.

Have we ever heard of ‘coffee to go’ ?

We are all stuck in traffic more and more often!

In every city it is very busy due to traffic, full shops and a lot of people.

This development calls for a response.

More and more people want to slow down. 

Just do nothing for once, youget bored! 

During this rest, the most beautiful ideas come. 

This is a way for me to be creative.

My quilt for this prompt is already ready. I made in 2017 and the size is right, so I can do nothing for 2 months!

My pace can be reduced to zero! At the end of July, I come with my work ” No Time”.

Detail No Time

One thought on “No Time

  1. Elfriede, you have reminded me that the pace that we all are taking these days might be wisely slowing…looking at our world from a new perspective. Can’t wait to see your quilt! Ride on…

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