In my Grandmother’s Day Japanese houses were small, very close together and had no water supply. Each neighborhood shared a well. Women gathered at the Well to do laundry and prepare meals. They exchanged information, talked about family, discussed festivals and passed along rumors and gossip.
Wells are gone now, but we still have “Well”-side gatherings on occasion. In the Autumn of 2018, neighbors gathered for an exhibition. Dressmakers, knitters, dyers, quilters and basket makers brought their creations to a friend’s house. We sold clothes, bags, shawls, baskets and brooches to almost 200 people at the “Neighbors at the Well”.
Neighbors who do not often meet in our modern world met at the “Well”. It was a marvelous time to catch up on families, friendships and some current gossip. We will hold another “Neighborhood Exhibition” this coming Autumn.