A habit is something that you do without thinking. Every human being breathes without thinking. This is a vital and automatic process. But what if you suddenly stop breathing?
With sleep apnea, breathing stops repeatedly while sleeping. When you sleep, the muscles relax, including in the throat. Normally, the brain receives a signal that you need to breathe again. Sometimes this is not the case during the breathing pauses, which can last at least 10 seconds. This can be experienced as if you have to gasp for breath.
Fortunately, you have small devices and these usually solve your problem.
An acquaintance of mine, who used an apnea device, had a serious medical situation. At the Intensive Care Unit she was told that she was suddenly not allowed to this device.
She experienced a breathtaking panic, stress and uncertainty about her life. Would she start breathing again in the night, without the device to help her?
She just had to have faith in the medics, that everything would be okay again.
Fortunately, that is the case. She is doing well again.
I have captured this situation in my work. The color purple represents peace and relaxation. The color orange for danger and stress.
My contribution to the theme of “habits” has emphasized the heavy side of the story. It was nice to depict a situation in this way, which you would not easily highlight.

Dimensions : 39” h x 42” w
Material : hand dyed cotton
Technique : machine sewing and longarm quilting
With age and life moving through the calendar quickly, many of us are becoming aware of the seriousness and questioning of our own bodies and ability to breathe. Thank you, Elfriede, for sharing with us, and while all of the messages speak here, your wisdom and commitment reign.