Water is a MUST for survival! For humans and the earth itself! We take water for granted when we live in area that seems to have a never ending flow of water. Living in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada AND spending my childhood just one block away from the Falls, I too took them for granted!
they are magnificent! They are about 12,000 years old. They were formed when melting glaciers formed massive fresh-water lakes (Great Lakes) one of which (Lake Erie ) ran downhill toward another lake (Lake Ontario). The Horseshoe Falls is about 57m (187ft) high while the height of the American Falls varies between 21 and 30 m (69 and 98 ft) because of the Presence of giant boulders at its base. The larger Horseshoe Falls is about 790 m ( 2,590 ft ) wide, while the American Falls is 320m (1,050 ft) wide. It is thought to be the world’s fastest- moving waterfall!
Fun fact…..There are approximately 45 gallons used in an average bath. This means that 16,833 baths are being filled PER SECOND! Absolutely mind blowing when you think about it!

In 2012 to celebrate the arts in the Niagara area I was honoured along with Suzi Dwor and Irma Bull to design and make a large piece of art (approx. 62” X 7 ‘ ) using fibers including cotton , wool and paper. Each of us were given one third of a photo that was enlarged into three sizes of 21” x 7 ‘. Each artist was given a section. We were given 6 months to produce our pieces. We decided that we would not confer with each other on what we were doing. We each had three common fabrics that had to be in our piece.

The original photo was of Ball’s Falls , which is a conservation park in the Niagara region. Although the Falls are a trickle compared to the Great Niagara Falls.

The original “total” photograph.

on the right is the blowup of my section , on the left is my work in progress

The hardest part was creating the “water flow”. I wanted the water to appear like you could actually get wet. After many, many failed attempts, I finally had a solution! I dipped white feathers into glue and then “ back brushed “ them while they were wet and when they were dried sewed them onto the piece along with white roving

Feathers dried and looking like “flowing water”!

Once we were all finished ( on time too!), they were sent to the framer where they were mounted on separate wooden panels and then hung side by side in the Niagara Regional Offices . This was the first time we had seen each others pieces! It was astounding! It was as if we had one brain! They all lined up where they were supposed to and all the same size!

Finished pieces together at last!

On left is my piece, in the middle is Suzi Dwor’ s piece, who made hers completely with waxed paper and the three fabrics we shared. On the right is Irma Bull’s piece. Irma and I used similar techniques.

They have been hanging for 12 years now and still amaze me when I “ visit “ them! ( Which I like to do now and then) !


Suzi Dwor, Irma Bull and yours truly,

3 thoughts on “THE FLOW OF WATER

  1. Al, This is a stunning work of art. And how amazing it must be to live so close to such giant waterfalls! Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. What an impressive collaboration! It is an amazing piece of art, each one of them, and what an adventure to figure out how white feathers can create the illusion of falling water. Congrats to all of you.

  3. AMAZING artwork and today we can celebrate once again the beauty of the creativity that Suzi and Irma brought to our world alongside of you!! I have loved seeing this art, and would love to see it in person once again! I love the post, Al!!

Tell us what you think.