Sea Change

This piece was inspired by my love of the ocean and the shoreline as it changes every sunrise walk.

I have been long fascinated by what the tide brings in and how different it is each day when I have walked as the light changes and begins to light up the beach. Jelly Fish, Starfish, Kelp or fruit from a cruise ship that was tossed overboard and made its way to shore. There have been dolphins, sea bass and once a sea turtle. I am frequently teased by family and friends for taking so much time stopping to take pictures of the sand and its offerings. My least favorite thing to see is garbage which is far too common although once a beautiful piece of yellow curling ribbon captured my attention. The morning light in contrast with the sand and colors of found objects will always be a joy to me.

This piece is inspired by a beautiful partially decayed red leaf, a sunrise that looked like a mountain in the background and a Jelly Fish with light reflecting on it.

Sea change Detail

These were the images I worked with layering them to create the image that was printed on cloth and machine quilted and embroidered French Knots to build texture. I wanted to reflect the variations of morning light in this work.

Beautiful Red Leaf
Jelly Fish
Glorious Sunsrise ( but aren’t they all ? )

Sea Change

40 x 25

6 thoughts on “Sea Change

  1. What a gift you have — to walk the sea and “SEE” such treasures every day. Great intrepretation.

  2. Stunningly beautiful creation of Sea Change, Jacque! Contrast and colours, as you approach the sea, are a beautiful connection to the art you create!

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