In modern society, where the use of loose change is declining, it is true that the physical presence of small coin is diminishing due to the spread of digital payment methods and the decrease in cash usage. However, in some ways, their value remains important.
Loose change is connected to human memory and emotions. Holding loose change in hand can evoke certain memories of a specific moment or place and the memories associated with it.
When loose change is used for charity fundraising or small donations it serves as a way to express solidarity with the community and a sense of personal social responsibility.

In conclusion, even if the physical use of loose change decrease, its value and meaning are important in many aspects beyond the simple monetary aspect, such as an personal memories, emotions, and social solidarity.
I think that its symbolic value doesn’t change, and how we use our loose change has important meaning.

One thought on “The value of loose change

  1. Thank you for your share, Eunhee.. love seeing the beautiful jar with the coins. Truly a memory of seeing my jar on a windowsill when it was easy to have a few bits of change to feed the parking spots or share a bit with my children.

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