Karol Kusmaul

Thursdays are my favorite days.  My husband goes golfing and I get to do whatever I want (or need) to do, without any interruptions except for the phone.  No offense to my dear husband, but when he’s around, I get interrupted a LOT. 

I am in charge of everything on Thursdays.  If I want quiet, I can leave off the TV and music.  If I want to read, I can.  If I want to do laundry or clean the house, I can.  If I want to get out messy dyes or paints, I can.  I can work on customer quilts without being disturbed. For the most part, on Thursdays, I can FOCUS on what I want to do.  It’s wonderful. 

In prisons, solitary confinement is a severe punishment.  Isolation is not always great. We need other people. Because of the virus pandemic, we are all experiencing isolation in many ways, and we don’t always like it.  We are missing the human connections that we are used to.  I feel terrible for those who are confined to nursing homes and hospitals, without visits from family and friends.  It must be awful for them, and their loved ones.  I sympathize with students and teachers trying to carry on education endeavors without face to face contact.  I miss hugs. 

For an artist, however, isolation can be a glorious treasure!

3 thoughts on “On Being Isolated

  1. Yes, we all love our husbands, but there is something to say for a day alone without interruption. I find this time a soul searching adventure. I’m happy to hear others feel the same. Karol, your work is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I totally agree. I get a lot done when my husband is occupied somewhere else. It’s not always creative, but necessary for mental health.

  3. Thanks for this Karol, and love seeing you at home, stitching. We are actually blessed with this quiet, creative, and yet life-altering time. Thank you for the gentle reminder to love and treat yourself to what feeds your soul.

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