Doerte-Ina Liebing

Processed with MOLDIV

We are thinking about and working with the prompt “Doors, openings and portals” during this two months. This themes are giving a lot of possibilities. You would think it is very comfortable. You might think that this makes it easy. But I think it’s not that easy when you have such a large amount of options. You have to decide which direction you go. 

If I don’t get any further, I try to look for the solution through a different perspective and I can gain a completely new perspective often. By changing our point of view, we get suggestions for problem-solving or new insights. A change of perspective is about seeing familiar things in a new light. This opens up completely new perspectives. 

An opening for new ideas, new views, new thoughts. New horizons are opening.

2 thoughts on “Change of perspective

  1. Being the one who chose the prompt, I thought it would be easy, too. There are just too many options.

  2. Your thoughts are so comforting during all of the angst that is circulating in our world today. Our link to perspective is a tool that we, as artists, consider carefully to guide us as we make changes. Your closing sentences ring so true – and the ‘opening’ is all-important now.

Tell us what you think.