The light has changed from wood burning, animal oil, oil, gas, and electricity.
People must have felt that the light of civilization came on LINE.
When they got brightness of electric light from the dark light of the night.
After the sun goes down, the street lights come on and people head home.
This landscape is already becoming nostalgic.
And in the near future, invisible LINE will shine a light.
3-10 40×30 LINE
cotton , organdy, ribbon dyed cloth
machine sewing
What a beautiful glow!
So well done! Enchanting color choices. Alluring softness of the whole cityscape. The figures almost float. Although the lights are anchored to the lamp posts, they seem to be floating as well. Lovely! Lovely!
You really captured the mood so well, this is fantastic!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
When I look at this piece, I see the word glimmer. The light within glimmers at me from the screen and there is a feeling of comfort, of people going home to their family to prepare and eat a meal together. It is very evocative and I love it.
Of course I meant GORGEOUS
Mikiko, what a beautiful work. I like the subtle color scheme. The image you show is both foggy and mysterious. Very nice.
I want so much to see this in person!! It looks like you’ve used some metallic gold material. I love the shadowy trees and figures, and the dotted lines across the top, and the pink sky. Beautifully done, Micky.
これは生で見てみたいです!! メタリックゴールドの素材を使用しているようです。 影のある木や人影、上部の点線、ピンク色の空が大好きです。 美しくやった、ミッキー。
Mystical and touching, this piece is a reflection on the past and a walk through what remains as an important part of our lives. I love your focus on the future….may there be light..