Martha Ressler, Heritage, 3-8

Structure + Heritage. My maternal grandmother had a big impact on me. Although she was already in her 60’s when I was born, she lived to 96, so I was a grown woman when she died. She was orderly and hard working and loved beauty. Some of my fondest youthful memories are of staying with her for a week during the summer and working for her in her beautiful yard and garden.

I worked hard – weeding and cleaning her gutters and such, but she treated me well, feeding me pies and excellent meals. And there was always time for me to climb my favorite apple tree, or lie in the grass, look at the clouds, and dream.
I decided to take my inspiration from one of her favorite sayings: A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place (Ben Franklin).
Grandma Dice’s drawers were in perfect order. Her closets and shelves were neat. Everything was in it’s place.
I’ve never been able to do this very well. As soon as I get everything orderly, it just as soon disorders itself. And there is always the “truck drawer,” or junk drawer, where things end up that don’t have their own place.

My quilt is a testimonial to attempted order and eventual disorder. Everything is somewhat in its proper square, but not quite.

私が生まれたとき、彼女は 96 歳まで生きたので、彼女が亡くなったとき、私は大人の女性でした。彼女は整然として勤勉で、美を愛していました。私の最も若い頃の思い出のいくつかは、夏の間に彼女と一週間滞在し、彼女の美しい庭と庭で彼女のために働いたことです.
私は懸命に働きました – 草むしりや雨どいの掃除などをしましたが、彼女はよくしてくれました。お気に入りのりんごの木に登ったり、草むらに寝そべったり、雲を眺めたり、夢を見たりする時間はいつでもありました。
私は、彼女の好きな言葉の 1 つからインスピレーションを得ることにしました。「すべてのための場所、すべてがその場所にある」(ベン フランクリン)。
Martha Ressler
Dimensions: h” x w”
What a great piece for heritage.
Martha, I could never make something like that. It’s not my style, but you captured it well and made a nice composition.