Everyone at our elementary school remembers a special Science

Class. It was a once in a lifetime experience. The homework the

night before was to each catch a frog and bring it to school. When

It was time to dissect our frogs we all shrunk back in surprised

horror. Only one girl was able to dissect her frog. She had an

interest in life and knew the significance of anatomy. I heard she

become a doctor when she grew up.

To tell the truth, I remember that I was scared of frogs and couldn’t catch them at last. 

So I bought a horse mackerel at a fish store. Then I became a mediocre housewife.

Live dissection does not happen in modern elementary schools.

We are still amazed by natural life forms and are now studying artificial life changes.

This interest spreads to all fields and will be a permanent challenge for the future.

*”Anatomy of a Murder” was a 1959 America crime drama movie

                       透明生き物図鑑   別冊宝島

3 thoughts on “Anatomy of a Frog

  1. Oh, I remember those days in the HS science classes and I did take my turn on the frogs – ended up working as a Paramedic and then Health Care Administrator, but no discoveries in labs. Can’t wait to see what your artwork will share!

  2. Thanks for sharing this memory Mikki! We did the same in high school, but did not need to catch the frogs ourselves. Like you, I remember that school lesson vividly!

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