I have visited different cities in Europe with my daugther („mother-daughter-Vacation“ every year. (Note: Sometimes we go to the mountains😊). Europe has a lot of very special historical architecture. For instance Montmatre and Notre Dame in Paris, Big Ben in London, Milan Cathedral…

It is incredible which architecture is that – what beauty was created at the time.
In Barcelona we learned to know the architecture of Antonio Gaudi. He designed the contruction of an roman-catholic basilika – Sagrada Família. The construction started in 1882 and was to be completed in 2026 to the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death. Unfortunately, this date date cannot be met, especially because of the current pandemic.
Gaudi´s architecture is to be admired throughout the city of Barcelona, so also in the fantastic „Park Güell“.

Loved the Gaudi art in Barcelona – so colorful, full of movement and texture! I wonder what you will choose.
So many fabulous choices!!And now I want to make a mosaic.