In this work, “door” is not literal”door”, but means ” the door of heart” or ” the door of choice” in a symbolic sense.
The process of opening the door to your heart is by no means an easy one. Maybe it’s because of the fear of “maybe I’ll get hurt….” when you open the door?
Despite such fears, If you have the courage to open the door and show your concerns to the other person, and the other person truly understands you, you may find deep comfort.
When you make a choice, no one knows what the result will be beyond the door of the choice.
The choice may or may not be right, it may be a success or a failure. However I think you will only know the result when you open the door and go out and experience the choice yourself.

This work was composed as a simple design as possible and expressed abstractly, and hand dyed fabrics and commercial fabrics were used.
Beyond the door
Eunhee Lee
39.5 x 32
hand dyed, machine quilted, machine pieced
A beautiful design and statement, Eunhee. Interesting that it parallels Regina’s work this time. And Regina’s and Deb’s have similarities as well.
A strong, throughtful message and your art, spectacular.