Scribbly Note to Self
When I wrote in Musings, I talked about the subtlety, indeed, sometimes absence, of a change of season within my climate – southern hemisphere, arid, dry, long hot summers and short winters. It is not that I was lying, more that I was discussing the averages, the normal, the usual.
Scribbly Note to Self
I know that most of you have enjoyed the possibilities of the prompt this time – Change of Season as, in the Northern Hemisphere, you have such distinct changes in the seasons. The material to work with is stunning and the images plentiful. I live in the middle, temperate latitudes
Berribee Shearing Shed
Abandoned and disused shearing sheds and wool sheds are littered all over country Australia. If you could run sheep, most properties also had a shearing shed as it was not viable to move the sheep very far to be shorn. The farmer would muster the sheep into a paddock nearest
Sacred Cow, a late reveal
I started this piece as a way to meet the deadline that was approaching – the Transformation prompt for Cloth in Common was due for listing by the end of September. I had been busy and distracted by my new studio. So, I thought that taking an old quilt and
Transformation and the sacred cows
It’s been a bit busy around here the last couple of months because we have commenced work on a new studio. The transformation of our old shearing shed into a sewing studio is happening but is still a work in progress. The electricians are here today installing lights and power
Same,Same, but Different #1 – Chrysalis
Like several other of my CIC quilt mates, I have decided to make Round 4 a series, or related body of work. In line with the theme for the round, Change, my series will be called ‘Same, Same, But Different’, which recognises the similarities, as well as the differences when
Change of Pace
Our family gathered last night for dinner at my house to celebrate and say bon voyage to one of our youngest members. We are a small family and most of us were there, four generations in total. My grandson is shortly to fly off to the UK for a 6
Community Connections
Bronwyn Cant, Lindsay Point, Victoria Living in a country town provides a community and connections at a different level than those of a city. Sure, we don’t have all the amenities that our city cousins have access to, such as big entertainment venues and art galleries, teaching hospitals and universities,
Black Box Forest
I am surrounded by Black Box and River Red Gum Forest. The River Red Gums, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, grow right on the banks of the river and love to have their roots deep into the wet clay soil of the riverbank. They are the stately kings of the Australian river systems
Pattern and Rhythm
I’m a little late with this post because the pattern of my life was interrupted this month. But the Rhythm has been re-established so here is my take on Pattern, our latest prompt. My quilting experience began with a quilt that someone else had designed and I used their pattern
Flood Lines
My first quilt for Cloth in Common, prompt – LINES. I thought about lines of communication; lining up for warm school milk as a small child; the myriad lines that define us; life written on our faces in lines and wrinkles as we age, stretch marks, the repair lines on
Bronwyn Cant
Bronwyn Cant Renmark, South Australia I come from a long line of story tellers. When my family get together, we tell stories, exaggerate and sometimes, laugh until we hurt. My mother says we treat the truth with elasticity. My mother, a trained nurse, taught me to cook, sew, knit and