Secret key
At first, this prompt seemed very simple. But on second thought, I’ve come a long way. My first attempt was to quilt a once dyed piece of fabric and add something and that’s it. But that just didn’t work out. I still had plenty of time and I made a
Butterfly Transformation
The first thing I think of when I think of transformation, is the butterfly. The emergence of a butterfly involves several steps. A butterfly reproduces by laying eggs. Young caterpillars hatch from the eggs. They have to eat a lot and then tear out of their skin. This process is
La Rambla
For me, Spain is and remains a very inspiring country. During our holidays we were introduced to “La Rambla”. They are originally dry revier beds. In case of heavy rain, they lead the rainwater from the mountains to the sea. But because it rains very little in Spain, you sometimes
Hartelijk Welkom
Every time it is a challenge, to find a nice concept for a new theme. This time it almost went without any problem for me. That requires explanation. We have connections with people all over the world. It goes without saying that we help each other, where possible. When people are
The oldest pattern
This new prompt goes from lines to patterns. As already mentioned, a nice transition. A patron in New Netherland, the Dutch colony in North America in the 17th century was a landowner with “lordly” rights over a large area. The pieces of land were called pattern shelves. Within the patronage, entire
The oldest pattern
This new prompt goes from lines to patterns. As already mentioned, a nice transition. A patron in New Netherland, the Dutch colony in North America in the 17th century was a landowner with “lordly” rights over a large area. The pieces of land were called pattern shelves. Within the patronage, entire
Where does a quilter get his inspiration from, when she has to work on a theme. People are often inspired by nature. While making a trip you can also be impressed by buildings, people, cultures, landscapes, coastlines and much more. With me during our trip to Spain, was the SAGRADA
Red List
The red list is an officially established list of plants that are known as threatening in the Netherlands. Since 1950, nearly 500 of the 1536 native wild plant species in the Netherlands have declined in number. More than 40 species are already extinct. ( according to Wikipedia) A similar list