Language of the Fingertips
I was contemplating what to express with this prompt. Then I decided to learn about Braille.Interestingly, Braille was invented in 1824 by Louis Braille in France, based on military code system. Afterwards, his Braille system was widely spread throughout the world and become a writing system for People with visually
I think that a change of mind is the process of modifying or reconstructing one’s perspective on one’s way of thinking. In this process, Change occur when existing ideas are challenged or encountered with certain factors.A change of mind is similar to looking at a path you’ve been used to
It is still progressing.
As we get older, we tend to settle into more comfortable with familiar thoughts and habits, which can make us more hesitant or resistant to change.A few month ago, I had a blood test at the hospital, and the results weren’t very encouraging. The doctor strongly urged me to exercise,
The value of loose change
In modern society, where the use of loose change is declining, it is true that the physical presence of small coin is diminishing due to the spread of digital payment methods and the decrease in cash usage. However, in some ways, their value remains important.Loose change is connected to human
The shape of the waves is influenced by the wind, appearing sometimes calm and gentle, other times rough and intense. And it shows various colors depending on the color of the sky.The rhythmic movement of the waves seems to be dancing.Waves stir deep emotions in our hearts. Calm waves evoke
Change of Colors
I’ve chosen “Change of Colors” as our prompt.We live in a world surrounded by colors, whether we acknowledge it or not. Colors are constantly changing due to various factors.▪︎Chameleons are said to change their body color due to the control of the chromatophore in their skin. It changes color due
Spring permeates into winter….
Winter seems to be cold and still, but it has considerable energy inside it and waits for spring to come.When spring begins to seep into winter, the inherent energy changes into the energy of spring. As the frozen ground slowly melts, sprouts of life begin to emerge, and the wind
Life-changing factor
I think habits are a very important factor in how we live our lives.As we usually know, a habit refer to a way of behaving that has been learned by itself in the process of repeating an action for a long time. The process of repetition itself does not bring
Last summer, I was facing a serious situation. My husband was critically ill with sever pneumonia caused by COVID-19. At that time, I was very scared and anxious the situation, but I had to endured it.However, thanks to efforts of the medical team, he gradually began to recover and my
Seasons and Colors
We can visually guess the change of seasons in nature. In mid-latitude regions, the distinction between Spring,Summer,Autumn and Winter is relatively clear. In particular, by the color changes in mountains, fields, or forests, we can anticipate what season it is. Nature shows us its colors perfectly like that.So may be
Now, We live in connections with things, peoples, nature, etc., even if we want to or don’t want to. They are intricately and organically connected and affect our lives.It is difficult to explain each and every one of them, but nevertheless the reality is that we live in such relationships