Sandra announced “Compromise” as new prompt. This prompt reminded me of balance. I think most of us have experiences of compromise about idea,situation,or work. In some cases, it can be trivial or, on the contrary, very important.If you can compromise on a problem and solve it in a good way, you can achieve positive results. But
Long-term COVID-19 has made people experience unprecedented restrictions. People’s economic activities has shrunk a lot, and various activities have not become as free as before.So am I. As the time at home increased, I came to think about this and that. Above all, I looked out the window more often.
Still Life is Good
Guest Artist, Hyunjoo Cho This is my town. The blue circle in the middle !!! It’s me. Oh, the neighbor next door went out to somewhere… It looks like every circle is isolated. It’s actually isolated. We live in different colors and different shapes in our own space. Nevertheless, everyone
Judgement and selection
In this age where I live, a huge amount of information is poured out through various media. In particular, mobile media is a medium that provides quick and convenient access to information. That’s why many people around the world do things, share information, and promote friendship within mobile media. It
Green space
People living in big cities live in an environment surrounded by artificial buildings rather than nature and their life seems to be very busy. I guess that it’s not such a good environment. Like an oasis in the desert, green space such as a park in the city is space
Park in the city
Covid 19″s tremendous impact has changed our daily lives a lot.Meeting and traveling are also very limited. So I often go to the park near my home. I usually take a walk or exercise there.A relatively large river called ” Han river” flows along the side of the park.While I
About 5 months have passed since COVID19 spread. The world is starkly aware that it cannot go back to life before this pandemic. The situation facing each country may be different, but there are already numerous deaths and confirmed patients of COVID19. There are many who are devoted to saving
Cooperation & Sharing
This time, I decided the prompt as “Cooperation & Sharing .” The Covid19, which began in China and quickly spread to all over the world, has panicked each country. But countries are fighting a hard battle against Covid19 to solve it. At time like this, I think that “Individual and Individual, Individual and Society, nation
I live in a big city called “Seoul” in Korea. As I live in a big city, I think the concept of neighborhood is changing. Maybe it’s because of the complicated and busy city life? It seems that there are more occasions when relationship with neighbors feel formal rather than intimate
Eunhee Lee
Eunhee Lee Seoul, South Korea I walked through ‘Insadong’ street and entered an exhibition hall by chance. There I saw a quilt exhibition. It was very different from the quilt I knew. It was an ‘art work’. I was deeply shocked and impressed, and began to art quilt in earnest.
Ecosystems are organically connected.
On the earth we live in, the elements that make up the ecosystems are closely connected to each other. Human is also part of the ecosystem. Since the Industrial Revolution, the ecosystem has been increasingly destroyed by human so far. One part of the result is a disaster caused by
I thought the prompt “International” corresponds well to the group “Cloth in Common” that I belong to. It’s never easy for artists from various countries to create group like this, post to blog and exhibit works in special places. I think our members have maintained this group with mutual trust and friendship .