The Great Divide
Twenty-three years ago, I held a one-way ticket in my hand and had my mind set to make a life on the Northwest coast of the United States. Bill Clinton was still president, but impeachment hearings the year before had poisoned the political landscape. I tried to keep up with
Since my Rust-Dying session last year, this gorgeous panel of big, round shapes was on my design wall and called me every day “What am I going to be?”, but muse was hiding. The algorithms of social media lately inundated me with an advertisement for “Your Photos into Digital Media”.
Rusty Stains
Being creative is the part I’m driven to, and once working, usually ideas keep flowing until the work is finished. However, most artwork starts with an empty page, blank canvas or in our fiber world, often with a piece of blank, most times white fabric. The dreaded Blank Canvas Syndrome
Lisa Jenni
Lisa Jenni Redmond, Washington State, USA Creating art is an integral part of me.I changed mediums, the focus keeps moving, I switched continents and needed to reinvent my social fabric, – I still create art. Before the move to the USA in 2000, I worked mostly in watercolor and illustration.
Bye, Bye Tie
Change of Pace! This first prompt spurs excitement for my first reveal as the newest member of Cloth in Common. What better metaphor for major changes in life, such as retirement or the pandemic we are finally mostly seeing in the rear mirror. My husband tells me stories of