Knocking on Heaven’s Door
I have been fortunate enough to teach a few times in Italy in a little hilltop town called Orvieto. We stayed in a 14th century convent which has been converted into a B&B complete with nuns and a childcare centre. It is a lovely place to stay and teach. The
Pandemic Peeps
Susan J Lapham May 2021 A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog about how the pandemic has allowed us to have peeps into our fellow artists’ studios, however large or small, fancy or simple. For me, video conferencing has been a part of my work and school life
What’s Behind the Door?
We Cloth in Commoners have been noticing doorways recently. At the end of May, we will reveal the quilts we’ve made. I have long collected images of doors, thinking one day I will make a series about them. I am curious about what lies behind them. Here are a few
Many Sights to See
Thinking back on the last year, I was struck by the hundreds of meetings and meet-ups via video conferencing apps that have provided a window into our colleagues’ studios. The firewall between our social lives and our studio lives has been blurred. From lavish views, cathedral ceilings, and expansive libraries to
Change of perspective
Doerte-Ina Liebing We are thinking about and working with the prompt “Doors, openings and portals” during this two months. This themes are giving a lot of possibilities. You would think it is very comfortable. You might think that this makes it easy. But I think it’s not that easy when
Open Doors
Karol Kusmaul I love what one of our members (Mikiko Takase) recently wrote about making the decision to go through a doorway, not knowing all the ramifications, and doing it anyway. She was referring to joining this group, Cloth in Common. We are nearly finished with four years together, and
So many options
When the prompt of Doors, portals and openings was presented there were so many options to look at from my travels to Canada and the USA back in 2019. This is the final prompt for this Cloth in Common Round and I have based all but the first work on
Down a Corridor
Doors, openings and portals is a really interesting prompt for Cloth in Common. We all travel through a multitude of these everyday. My mind immediately thought of the hallway in Anton Gaudi’s Casa Battlo in Barcelona. This remains one of my favourite buildings of all time and passing through this
A Door to the Future
Mikiko Takase When you have the opportunity to open a door and do something new, what do you do? Do you enter right away? Do you think carefully about it first? Do you think carefully and decide not to do it? If I hadn’t decided to jump in right away
Doors, Openings, and Portals
The final prompt for Cloth in Common’s round 2 is Doors, Openings, and Portals. If that’s not broad enough, I don’t know what is. These terms can take you from a means of access, to the 1960’s band The Doors, to video games of the 21st century. I hope everyone