For our next challenge I would like you to think about biological communities, that is: communities of animal and/or plant life. These are not really ecosystems as those consist also of the inorganic components of the environment. “Ecosystems” is just a catchier title for our challenge. A biological community
I thought the prompt “International” corresponds well to the group “Cloth in Common” that I belong to. It’s never easy for artists from various countries to create group like this, post to blog and exhibit works in special places. I think our members have maintained this group with mutual trust and friendship .
Indigo? Really?
Okay, the title is Indigo. Why, you ask? When I received the prompt International. A whole bunch of things went through my mind. Then I thought of indigo. Indigo dye was used all over the world. That’s international. I also have some indigo fabric pieces I bought in Africa years
Where’s my Gate
I travel a lot! Too much some would say! I spend a lot of time in airports and they are always enormous. Why are my departure gates always the most furtherest away? Recently on a trip I went through 6 airports and sometimes with limited time between connections.
Come Fly with Me
In my previous blog post about the prompt International, I mentioned that I learned of our prompt while traveling from New Zealand back to Anchorage, Alaska. At the time I was sitting in the first row of First Class on Alaska Airlines. (Being a frequent flyer has its
Postcards from China
I have been making little (5×7″) travel quilts for the last couple of years, reflecting the places I have visited. I take materials with me, and stitch by hand as I go. When I issued the “International” prompt I knew that I was about to head to China. I
New York VI
In Europe the European Union is trying to convince us all that we all are one Europe. Trying to believe that I interpreted the International theme as ‘abroad of Europe’. Since I took care of my multiple disabled child I was never able to travel by plane or very far
International Handcraft
The Silk Road wound across the Middle East, India, China and Korea. It brought craft techniques that evolved into the unique crafts of Japan. I always seek out simple crafts during my own travels. It is a pleasure to buy souvenirs from each country and they help
A Point in Time
When the theme ‘International’ was chosen I looked at my recent travels and thought about New York City. It is well known world wide for all sorts of reasons: Broadway; Times Square; Manhattan: Empire State Building and Central Park among many more. However my piece is sombre relating to that
Dual Allegiance
I am a German citizen living in Canada, that definitely fits the “International” theme. It is an important part of who I am. I’ve been living in Canada for over 16 years now, but the ties to Germany are still strong: family, old and new friends, traditions, landscape, cities
Meditation and Praise
We are focusing on communities this round. Our current theme is ‘International’. In January of 2018, I was fortunate to travel to Japan and spend two weeks there touring and participating in several fiber related workshops along the way. One of the museums we visited was the Amuse museum, which