Fish and Wine
Just coming home from a very interesting historical trip to Israel, I read the topic for the next round: Broadway hits of my generation. Jesus Christ Superstar immediately came to my mind. It was almost Christmas, and the topic was also close to the season. To visualize some
A Thousand Doors to Eternity
This prompt was not easy for some reason. Too many choices? I finally settled on one of my favourite singers, Sting, and his song “A Thousand Years”. It is a beautiful love song, with a haunting cello line in the background, and to me speaks of the eternity and
"And the sun poured in like butterscotch…"
I am an unabashed fan of Joni Mitchell. I have been since the first time I heard her, many, many (could it be 50?) years ago. Her melodies are beautiful, her voice and delivery are beautiful, but her words, her lyrics, are poetry. For me, hers is the kind of poetry
Scattered Black and Whites
Once I understood that I couldn’t merrily print lyrics onto cloth to use for this piece I had to have a rethink. One of the lyrics I had been going to use was from a song called Scattered Black and Whites by Elbow. It is a song about memories
In the moon light
“Thought of thousand things fill me with melancholy as I gaze upon the moon, but autumn`s dejection comes not to me alone.” By Oue senri Peter macMillan This melancholy lyric poem is ”百人一首“ (One Hundred Poets One Poem Each) It`s very old collection of Japanese poem. But now
Lyrics – friend or foe
When the Lyrically Speaking prompt was announced by Martha Ressler, two things immediately came to mind. Firstly the issue of using lyrics in artwork. A few years ago I made a quilt for the ‘Beneath the Southern Sky’ Exhibition curated by Brenda Gael Smith in which I used some lyrics
Where to start?
As soon as I read the prompt I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to print lyrics from songs that mean something to me onto paper, tear and collage then stitch onto a fabric base. But what songs, what lyrics? I keep my 300+ CD’s in
Concert Groupie
Song lyrics which floated down from the ceiling after Adele concert I am having a hard time narrowing down my choices for this challenge. Choosing specific lyrics to one song seems like I am being a traitor to all the
Interesting Israel
Martha memorized the Broadway hits of her generation… I didn’t read further, I went to the library to borrow the musicals I could find, and I loved to watch and listen. It didn’t take me long to decide on Jesus Christ Superstar, since I came home from Israel 20. November
If I were a poet in cloth…
This is as far as I have gotten on my next challenge piece. When I start a new project, once I have an idea of what I want to do I start shopping in my stash for fabrics. I pull out everything that might work, then stack them all
In the moon light
In Japan during the Heian Period about 800 years ago, people wrote short lyrical poems of love. A round moon, a half moon and even a crescent moon, all filled with mystery ,inspired much poetry. For example ,there were 100 poems made by one hundred people. The soft moonlight