My new neighborhood is not only also my old neighborhood
Due to a lot of circumstances in my life I had to move to a new home. The new home is about 750 meter from my old home. So I stil live in the same neighborhood. The part of town I live in is quit new. When I moved to
Cloth in Common: Round One—the Book is Now Available!
Cloth in Common founder Karol Kusmaul has created a book for purchase that shares the group’s journey through the first round of prompts. You can purchase your copy here. The book’s introduction traces the group’s origin story, “By August of 2017, eleven artists had agreed to join Cloth in Common. A
Neigbourhood bonds together
Its amazing how a neighbourhood can come together to create something special. Last year I had the pleasure of being invited to Ailsa Craig, Ontario, Canada along with other New Zealanders. We brought an amazing quilt exhibition and taught classes and best of all interacted all week with locals, ex-pat kiwis,
Neighbors at the Well
In my Grandmother’s Day Japanese houses were small, very close together and had no water supply. Each neighborhood shared a well. Women gathered at the Well to do laundry and prepare meals. They exchanged information, talked about family, discussed festivals and passed along rumors and gossip. Wells are gone now,
Other places, other neighborhoods
When I saw that our new prompt was “neighborhood” the first thing I thought of was the neighborhood where I grew up in Idaho, USA. It was truly the epitome of the 1950s television sitcom neighborhood, except that the houses were smaller, post-war bungalows that all looked the same. It
When we first began Round Two with the general theme of community, neighborhood was the word that first popped into my mind. I thought for sure, this would be the first and most obvious prompt, but there were no takers. And now, it is all mine. So our fourth prompt
Organic relationship
At this prompt “Ecosystem”, the bushfire of Australia that lasted over the last 5 months came to mind. Many media continue to report on the bushfire in Australia. It is so sad and unfortunate. I think this threatening ” Nature disaster” is probably a warning of “climate change” and is
Boreal Climates
Our current prompt is Eco-Systems. I knew immediately that I wanted my response to be about color in the natural landscape of Alaska, where I live. In the winter, if we are lucky, we are covered in snow. Our natural world is white. As we
Life Imitating Nature
Working with the theme of Ecosystems for our current prompt makes me think of how colonies of insects and animals work together for a common goal. This goal is just to survive but shows there is power in numbers. How clever are these termite ants to build this? For my
I have to say I am SO impressed and pleased with the work that is being created by Cloth in Common members. Such variety and thoughtful responses to each prompt! The last group of work – International community – was especially excellent. Be sure to visit our website to
Cloth in Common Topic #4: Ecosystems
The overarching theme in our two-year project is Community. So far we’ve created quilts from the prompts Identity, Reflection and International. Regina Marzlin gave us the fourth prompt—Ecosystems. But then she goes on to explain: For our next challenge I would like you to think about biological communities,
The compost heap – black gold of the garden
Soils of the earth are the basis for the production of most foods. As an elementary prerequisite, they are also the basis of our civilization. Furthermore they are an example of the fact that we are often not recognizing the importance of ecosystems we depend on and accordingly do not