When we lived in the woods we were lucky to experience murmurations, large Starling flocks landing in the trees around our home…. their noise was raucous while they searched for food and rest amongst the branches. Through some communication they would all take simultaneous flight creating a beautiful thrumming sound
Rattling Around
Loose change is often rattling around in your pocket, inconvenient to carry and not very useful. In New Zealand we have really adapted to paying by card or watch or phone. Therefore you often don’t have the need for loose change. However I also look at the prompt of loose
Money Money Money
Upon hearing the new prompt, I thought of Abba’s song; Money Money Money Must be funny In the rich man’s world Money money money Always sunny In the rich man’s world All the things I could do If I had little money It’s a rich man’s world Who doesn’t dream
Coin Count
Karol Kusmaul Thinking about coins, I remembered my years working as a teller at a Savings and Loan. I spent plenty of time counting both coins and bills, and I became very quick on an adding machine! Focusing on coins, I pulled out several polka dot like fabrics, and
Shiny Things
Shiny Things, 4-8 Martha Ressler When I heard this fun prompt, I thought about a small quilt I’d made on commission several years ago. The customer was a fan of the quirky British comedy “The Detectorists” about a sad sack couple of guys who were hooked on metal detecting. I’m
Loose Change
Everyone I know has loose change in their pockets, purse or cup holder in their car! As kids we loved when our Dad would fall asleep on the sofa and all his change would end up under the cushions! We would use this to buy “penny” candy on the way
Coins and notes have been around for centuries and serve a vital purpose in ensuring society has a means of payment and exchange. Money takes us from a bartering society into a more modern method that allows us to buy and sell goods and services locally, nationally and internationally. It
Oh, Canada… Our Home, and Native Land
The most beautiful coin in the 2022 series of Canadian coins... I love the many Maples that carry the beauty all along our roads and trails, farms and waterways. This beautiful coin is a treasure that is so very often gifted to family and friends , even after 2 years
Loose Change Musings
Loose Change I must admit to being a bit daunted by the prompt loose change I am considering music, books, poetry and politics as inspiration for my next artwork. The idea that seems to be most intriguing is loose clothing as I navigate the ‘loose’ change in my clothing after
The value of loose change
In modern society, where the use of loose change is declining, it is true that the physical presence of small coin is diminishing due to the spread of digital payment methods and the decrease in cash usage. However, in some ways, their value remains important.Loose change is connected to human
The shape of the waves is influenced by the wind, appearing sometimes calm and gentle, other times rough and intense. And it shows various colors depending on the color of the sky.The rhythmic movement of the waves seems to be dancing.Waves stir deep emotions in our hearts. Calm waves evoke