Touch of wind or water
I thought about “Touch” that Lisa proposed the second challenge. What I thought at that time was wind and water. There are many kind of wind, but I like the soft and a little cool winds. When it touches my skin, it does let me up get out of
Feel the Heat
TOUCH is the prompt this go around When Lisa Walton challenged us to think about touch, I immediately thought about the extreme experiences of touch. Hot and Cold. Fire & Ice. I knew exactly where I want to go with the prompt.
Touching Technology
Around the same time Lisa gave us “Touch” as our next assignment I got a new laptop. This fancy device not only has a touch screen and a touch pad, but also a small pad that recognizes my fingerprint. I unlock the computer by touching it, so that got me
A touch of gold
I happened to have bought a Victorian crazy quilt at just the same time as Lisa’s prompt was issued. Crazy quilts became a fad following the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. One of the most popular exhibits was the Japanese pavilion with its fascinating crazed ceramics and asymmetrical art. Well-off women
Playing well together!
When this group was formed, it was my hope to work alongside brilliant fiber artists from many places around the globe, and that we would share our brilliance and grow from the relationship. I’m delighted that this is what’s already happening! We’ve chosen unusual inspirations for our bimonthly prompts.
Please touch me
Isn’t it crazy that I work with textile because I love it’s tactile nature but don’t let other people touch my work? Hang my work on a wall and stick a ‘do not touch’ notice next to it. Sometimes quilt angels in white cotton gloves will lift a
Sounds of Silence (guest artist)
A fiber friend of mine has been following our blog and has made a quilt based on our first prompt about sound. Her quilt is titled Sounds of Silence, and I’ll leave it to you to interpret what may be happening. This quilt is by Marianne Williamson.
Sounds of Norway
Hi, I am Synnøve from Norway, and I am very happy to be part of this fine group of quilters. When I read the first topic: Sound, I thought of the sound waves, and went to my old Physics Book Sound waves from my physics book from 1964.
Making the sound connection
First off—Hi! I’m Terry and I’m so happy to be here, in great company and working on an intriguing challenge. It’s my first post on the blog and I”m getting to know my fellow artists of Cloth in Common! Visualizing sound. So we begin with our first challenge. Hmmm. This
Sounds of rain
When Karol asked “How will you represent sound visually?”, At the moment I thought of rain. Personally, I like sound when it rains. The sound of rain that was falling to soft and light makes me comfortable and stable. And the ripples created by the rain falling on the ground
How do you see sound? That was my initial response to Karol Kusmaul’s first prompt for our newly formed fiber group Cloth in Common. Her exact prompt was to “make an art piece about sound of some sort”. Each of our senses gives us specific information. Our eyes show