Change of Colors
The first thing that came to me when hearing this prompt was the change of colors people can do within friendships, relationships and in social groups. Some color changes are positive and others are negative. It is the chameleon person who is the most unknowable until they show their true
Change of Colours
This new prompt opens up so many opportunities and could be looked at in so many different ways. Is it a change from Summer to Autumn, a change from daylight to dark, a change in a persons behaviour from calm to angry, or is it purely a change in colour
Coffee Break at the Quilt Convention
Habits creep up and embed themselves in our lives. Sometimes, we don’t even notice them until someone else points out to us that we have a habit. It may be an annoying speech habit (in Australia, kids say “like” every second word as a filler whereas in “my day” my
Found my Home
We moved house recently Even though we didn’t move too far in location. Nor was the layout of our new house a great deal different. Basically there was not a great deal of change to our lives. However, I found my creative flow stopped altogether. My creative space was disorganized
A habit is something that you do without thinking. Every human being breathes without thinking. This is a vital and automatic process. But what if you suddenly stop breathing? With sleep apnea, breathing stops repeatedly while sleeping. When you sleep, the muscles relax, including in the throat. Normally, the brain receives a
Change of Colors
I’ve chosen “Change of Colors” as our prompt.We live in a world surrounded by colors, whether we acknowledge it or not. Colors are constantly changing due to various factors.▪︎Chameleons are said to change their body color due to the control of the chromatophore in their skin. It changes color due
Breaking Habits
Number 5 of 12 prompts around change and it was my turn to provide a prompt. I chose “Habits'” because we all have them in some shape or form. For example each morning getting up and showering and brushing teeth is a habit instilled in us from childhood. We know
Smoke In The Air
Once upon a time, smoking was my habit. Hardly anyone of the people I have met over the last 24 years knows that I was once a smoker. It’s been a long time since my last cigarette, but I’ve thought many times how it was possible to stop. Not that
Daily Habits
My days are made up of repeating lifestyle habits. Even though there may be some changes such as short outings and trips, my days are generally the same, ordinary and somewhat boring. But the TV news is reporting on wars in Ukraine and Israel. People lose their daily lives and
The Word Habit
In 1997 inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way I began writing daily morning pages, three pages of stream of consciousness writing to clear mental clutter before beginning the days art work. Overtime I changed this practice to something that suited me better a daily thought or inspiration. There are
Creating the Hiking Habit
Making Hiking a habit, not just walking to accrue steps.
We all have habits. Some good and some bad. I cannot begin to tell you the habits I have had throughout my life or how many I have stopped only to replace them with other habits. Smoking….stopped and replaced with candy. Candy….under control…I think? Sewing habits are no different. Where