The impact of Language
When thinking of language I am drawn to two aspects. The first is the impact of language when it is used in a positive or negative sense. The advent of social media today sees language spiral out of control as it spreads quickly around the world. Generally if positive language
Change of Language
The way we express ourselves has drastically changed throughout the years! In the 60’s it was “hep” to be “ cool man”! The seventies we said phrases like….”right on” or “ you got to be kidding”. The 80’s saw ““rock on”! Today if I hear “ absolutely” or “ no
Bush Tucker
I only speak one language, English. Other than a year of high school French lessons when I was 13, I have never had the need to learn another language. I have not been forced by circumstance, war, colonisation, accident, physical change, emigration, marriage, association, or invasion to learn another language.
Change of Language
It seems as if the themes are becoming more and more abstract and difficult. But in my experience, the longer you think about a theme, the more ideas you get. If you look back in language, what were the first signs of text? Now, that’s the hieroglyphics, which is already
A New Prompt- Change of Language
My first experience with a Change of Language was when, as a newlywed, we traveled to Jordan to meet my in-laws. My husband’s family is large, and since everyone wanted to see and meet the new English bride, there were several large gatherings. Initially, it was incredibly overwhelming. On top