Down the Street
It has been estimated that domestic violence has increased by over 35% during this period of Covid 19 and the lockdowns created to try and restrict the spread of the virus. It would be bad enough living with an abuser but being trapped in a house for weeks on end
Isolation, the Quilt
You’re probably wondering what this quilt has to do with isolation. It started out when I made individual pieced blocks, which by themselves (in isolation) were not that exciting. But when I started putting them together (into a community), they made for a pretty cool composition. You can read more
Nowhere to Go
Libby Cerullo, Elverson, PA“Nowhere to Go” 40 x 32 inches (HxW) I have been working on a series of “Portraits of Women as Trees”; trees, that out of isolation and loneliness became both self-expression and companions. This work emerged from trees I photographed over several winters, sometimes lying in the
Mysteries of Solitude and Joy
In response to the theme “Isolation” I started with a favorite photo by Jay Ressler of an abandoned playhouse built by his uncle for his granddaughter when she was a child. I played with the color and had it printed on fabric. But then cheerful colors called to me, and
Alone Together
Guest Artist, Paula Kovarik Though I am most content when isolated within my studio, I reserve time for connections that are vital for my well being. Almost every Friday evening for the past 15 years my family joined for dinner. We called it family night. On any given Friday we
Geographical Isolation
Growing up and living in Germany for the first decades of my life, I was living in the centre of Europe, in a densely populated area. We were just a few hours by car from Amsterdam or Paris. We didn’t think anything of going by bus or train to destinations
Coming SOON!
We are excited to be trying out something new this round. For our Isolation prompt, which was given on October 1st, each member of Cloth in Common has reached out and invited a guest artist to join us! This means that at the end of November, we will be revealing
Not so isolated?
by Martha Ressler When I heard the prompt “Isolation” what first came to mind was some of the photographs of Jay Ressler, my husband. I thought about using one of those and playing with it. What also came to mind was ways of beating back isolation. I am fascinated by
On Being Isolated
Karol Kusmaul Thursdays are my favorite days. My husband goes golfing and I get to do whatever I want (or need) to do, without any interruptions except for the phone. No offense to my dear husband, but when he’s around, I get interrupted a LOT. I am in charge of