Working Together
The prompt “Cooperation and Sharing” immediately made me think of my visit to Loveland, Colorado last year. I was staying with my good friend, Mary McCauley, in Fort Collins, when Mary took me to the park on the way to visit her amazing Textile Art Group. We walked around a
Message from a follower
From Libby Cerullo, of Pennsylvania Martha Ressler shared her blog of April 21 with me–in which I am noted as a helper for the planting of her and Jay’s legacy forest. It was a delightful experience to get out of the house and work in the dirt! I also enjoyed
Creating green
Recently I moved to a new house. At least, it was new for me. But it was also someone else’s old house with their old garden. And since green spaces need a green thumb I guess that’s not what they had. Because all of the green present was artificial grass.
A lot greener than I thought
When the latest prompt “Gardens, Parks, Green spaces” was announced I thought immediately of the beautiful gardens at Lincoln University in New Zealand (where I was working recently) and how the whole campus is beautiful. This photo was taken in our spring and was a delight to walk through each
Generosity Forest, Martha Ressler 2-6
My husband and I had planned a big project of creating a forest on two of our acres, meeting with our county forester, researching the best species of trees to plant, buying equipment etc. Then at the beginning of April, when our 700 seedlings were delivered, simultaneously came the “stay
Park in the city
Covid 19″s tremendous impact has changed our daily lives a lot.Meeting and traveling are also very limited. So I often go to the park near my home. I usually take a walk or exercise there.A relatively large river called ” Han river” flows along the side of the park.While I
One World
While thinking about the prompt Connecting & Sharing, I stumbled upon the words of Thích Nhất Hạnh. You can read more about that here. Thích Nhất Hạnh writes about Interbeing—a Buddhist philosophy about the interconnection of all things. As the world struggles to comprehend what Covid-19 means for our future,
New Prompt: Gardens, Parks and Green Spaces
While a community is made up of individuals, a community is usually also a physical space, inhabited by those individuals. This space can shape the character of a community in positive and negative ways and contributes greatly to the sense of safety, comfort, health and well-being of the community members.
Common Intersections
Doerte-Ina Liebing 40” x 25,6” (hand-dyed Cotton, breakdown printing, machine quilting) A set is a combination of different objects to form a whole. The objects that belong to a set are called the elements (X) of the set. The set is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in
The Amazing, Endless Web
I have not really left my home for nearly 3 months of this Corona virus quarantine, yet each day I connect with friends, I collaborate on projects, I check on the well-being of those I love and miss and I keep up with what is happening around the world. My
Doc’s Sing, Sing, Sing
Cooperation and sharing. That was the prompt that Eunhee Lee gave us in the beginning of April 2020. She wrote a lovely post about the topic here. I must admit, I sat on this topic for quite a while. I wasn’t feeling very creative a month into sheltering in place.