Revolutie vs Rotatie
Janine has already told us that Revolution and Rotation have a common origin in Latin. Jacque’s poignant opinion has opened the eyes of all of us, I think, to what is going on in America at the moment. At the time, we didn’t know anything about the terrible meeting
Peaceful Revolution?
When I think of revolution, most images are about rough and hard fighting, demonstrations, people being hurt, killed, murdered and general chaos. There are very few exceptions, although images and headlines of the time just before the fall of The Wall that separated West and East Germany swell up. Being
The Prompt is Revolution
When we consider the word, we tend to think of Industrial or Political upheaval and change. I like to check the meaning in the dictionary “Revolution and Revolt Revolution and revolt have a shared origin, both ultimately going back to the Latin revolvere “to revolve, roll back.” When revolution first appeared in English in the 14th century, it referred
Revolution to come
Revolution is a frightening, but necessary possibility in many places in the world today. I feel like we need Mighty Mouse, Superman, Wonder Woman, Matt Dillon, Andy Griffith, Mr. Rogers, Batman and Robin, Pollyanna, Captain America, Clint Eastwood, and the Hulk – all of them to step in and fix
Prompt for 4-11
Martha Ressler Revolution, 4-11 Politically, revolution is the most radical of changes. As an American I am particularly interested in the American Revolution – the war for independence from England. And the Civil War, which was also a revolution to overturn the slavocracy in the South. But our country is