Shiny Things
Shiny Things, 4-8 Martha Ressler When I heard this fun prompt, I thought about a small quilt I’d made on commission several years ago. The customer was a fan of the quirky British comedy “The Detectorists” about a sad sack couple of guys who were hooked on metal detecting. I’m
The shape of the waves is influenced by the wind, appearing sometimes calm and gentle, other times rough and intense. And it shows various colors depending on the color of the sky.The rhythmic movement of the waves seems to be dancing.Waves stir deep emotions in our hearts. Calm waves evoke
Water World
It seems, all ways in the Pacific Northwest led to water, – dripping, flowing, deep, thundering down, sweet or salty, or as wide as the eye can see. I live on the “We(s)t Side” of Washington State, the Salish Sea and Puget Sound with all its Islands are just a
Deep Concerns
The US relies heavily on underground aquifers for water, which took millions of years to form but are depleting faster than they can be replenished, especially in the dry southwest. In Pennsylvania's Berks County, where I live,, there's only one monitoring well, making it difficult to track water depletion accurately.
Protect our Waters
Water is our source of life, both for nature and for humans. From the free-flowing rivers, which fish and birds need to survive, to the clean water that comes out of your tap. There is a European Commission that protects our lakes, rivers and marshes. Through these regulations, we must
Sea Change
Sea Change This piece was inspired by my love of the ocean and the shoreline as it changes every sunrise walk. I have been long fascinated by what the tide brings in and how different it is each day when I have walked as the light changes and begins to
Tidal Flow
In Google Maps, there is a feature whereby you can go back in time and see photographs of a place and observe how it was in the past and how it has changed and developed. This is only possible when that place has been photographed in the past I took
All Blessings Flow
When I began to think about compositions for the Flow of Water theme, my first thoughts were of the beach, the ocean, and the sunset. Even though I live in Florida, I miss all that. It’s not often that I get there! I decided to brainstorm a bit, as I
What Lies Beneath
The life that exists in water can differ, dependent upon the flow, speed, acidity, temperature, clarity, depth, freshness, impurities, irritants, dissolved salts, time of year, tides, weather events, light levels, pollutants, total biomass – so many variables give rise to so many possibilities. Much of the time, we humans cannot,
Flowing in water
Thank you for your wonderful writing and photos about Water. Too much water can be a threat, and too little water can make life difficult, but can also sometimes show us beautiful scenery. I thought the theme would be flowing water, but then I noticed a small landscape reflected in
I racked my brain trying to come up with an idea for this prompt! I used my hometown of Niagara Falls, Ontario for my musings and could not get the Falls off my mind. So I started playing with water and fabric and hoped that something would happen. First I