This year, I embarked on a journey to try many new (to me) things, such as acupuncture, wild cold-water swimming, and ice baths. One of the first things I tried was guided breathwork meditation. I admit, I was very sceptical at first.

Over the years, I’ve had many false starts trying to meditate. I always felt that I couldn’t quite grasp the practice or calm down my monkey mind. However, with guided breathwork meditation, I discovered a place of deep calmness, that has resulted in less anxiety.

Throughout the year, I attended many group sessions of this and other types of meditation. Breathwork meditation has now become a daily practice for me.

Not every session is successful; some days, my mind is very busy. However, I often find creative ideas arising, which I take as a good sign! The benefits to my mental health have been immense. I accept the way things in this world are, and I no longer worry about issues beyond my control.

I would highly recommend some form of meditative practice to anyone seeking a profound mental shift.

Janine Ibbini.

Dimensions L 40″ x W 17″

Hand Painted cotton. Fused applique. Machine Quilted

6 thoughts on “Change of Mind with Meditation

  1. You have created a beautiful space visually. It is fantastic soothing and still showing thoughts in movement. It is really beautiful!

  2. Mindful thoughts bring us a whole new focus, Janine,… and your post and beautiful artwork remind us of the value and peace that bring us solace in the coming days. Rest and enjoy…

    1. What a beautiful representation of the meditative state….the calm core, with the swirling energies and colors of the chakras, open and flowing. Just stunning Janine!

  3. I certainly understand the “very busy” mind. My hubby and I call it “noisy head.” Same thing — especially annoying when you can’t turn the darn thing off at night. I’m glad you found a way to calm it down. Great image for that. It feels like you are centering those fly-away thoughts.

Tell us what you think.