As I thought about this prompt and how to portray a change of language, I was thinking of using English characters and then the characters of my daughter-in-laws language but felt that was an easy and obvious track to go down. The more I thought about language changing, the more I thought about how things can annoy a person. You start with a small annoyance and then it grows bigger and bigger the more something happens and then you just get plain angry!
I was also thinking when people are trying to talk you into doing something you don’t want to do. It doesn’t need to be major, just being egged on to go somewhere or eat a food you don’t like. To start with you are polite and say ‘no’ then they keep pressing and you change the tone of your language to get stronger and eventually angrier. Why don’t people listen and take your first ‘no’ as the answer.
This is the tenth in this series and I am interested in how the colours are changing as I go. Originally I started with a limey green but this one has evolved into a pink/purple dominance and darker. Where will it head next?
40inchH x 20inchW, machine pieced fused applique and machine quilted. All my own hand dyed and painted fabrics