Martha Ressler
For the Change of Mind prompt, I began thinking about the sight of birds flying around in a big flock and seemingly changing their minds – going in a different direction all at once and then swooping back again.
When I googled it, it turns out that those are starlings. And only starlings do it!
The season matters. It happens in autumn or winter, and the time of day matters too: late afternoon or evening.
It’s called a murmuration.
Scientists don’t quite know why they do it. Does it confuse predators? (It seems to me it would call attention to themselves. A predator could swoop in and take his pick.) But what do I know?
And scientists think that each bird is only watching the seven closest to it. There isn’t a collective change of mind.
But I’m not changing my mind! I’m going to try to make a quilt that represents this strange, graceful and glorious behavior.
科学者たちは、各鳥は自分に最も近い 7 羽だけを見ていると考えています。集団的な心の変化はありません。
We have just seen the murmeration of the many hundreds of small but beautiful starlings that have been with us here in Elginburg all summer. They are ready for their move south – and we will see this over and over along our trail walks in Ontario… it was amazing. Can’t wait to see what you share……
Haha, I can’t wait to see if I can pull this off!
fish behave similarly
I know — that’s what I said when I heard about murmuration. But — apparently it is important (to someone!) to call it schooling or shoaling for fish. I still think it is a kind of collective intelligence.