We are excited to be trying out something new this round. For our Isolation prompt, which was given on October 1st, each member of Cloth in Common has reached out and invited a guest artist to join us! This means that at the end of November, we will be revealing double our usual amount of twelve quilts.

Our guest artists have been pretty quiet . . . We are sure they are working away at creating interesting quilts. We can’t wait to see where their minds and hands have taken them on this journey. These are the artists who are playing along with us this round: Paula Kovarik, Jenny Bowker, Merrilyn George, Gisela Nickbakht, Elfriede Grooten, Sarah Bond, Jeanne Marklin, Lisa Jenni, Carol Kimble, Libby Cerullo, Hyunjoo Cho, Jim Hay and Tina Williams Brewer. Be watching during the last few days of November for our reveals.

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