Martha Ressler 4-6

“The color line,” is a term first used by Frederick Douglas as a reference to the racial segregation imposed in the US after the end of slavery.
Racism has been the cause of bloodshed, ruination of lives and heartache. Is “color” then a huge, defining human characteristic?
In fact, skin color is caused by melanocytes in the basal cell layer of the skin which produce melanin. Melanin gives skin its tan or brown or pinkish color. It is a small, trite characteristic — not huge at all.
The ranges of color, including among “white people” are very wide.
I have been struck recently by the results people are getting when they submit samples of their DNA for testing and find that in some cases, they contain an entire rainbow of “races” within themselves. They have “crossed the color line” inside their own DNA.

“Crossing the Color Line” is a celebration of our many hues. I wish I could have included them all.
Martha Ressler
Crossing the Color Line
40 x 30.
Raw edge applique, couching, oil sticks
人種差別は流血、生活の破壊、そして心の痛みの原因となってきました。 では、「色」は人間の特徴を決定づける大きな要素なのでしょうか?
実際、肌の色は、皮膚の基底細胞層にあるメラニンを生成するメラノサイトによって引き起こされます。 メラニンは皮膚に黄褐色、茶色、またはピンクがかった色を与えます。 それは小さくてありきたりな特徴であり、決して巨大なものではありません。
私は最近、人々が検査のために自分の DNA サンプルを提出し、場合によっては自分自身の中に虹全体の「人種」が含まれていることが判明したときに得られる結果に衝撃を受けました。 彼らは自分たちの DNA の中で「色の境界線を越えた」のです。
「Crossing the Color Line」は、私たちのさまざまな色合いを祝うものです。 それらすべてを含めることができればよかったのですが。
Such a well thought out and expressed comment on a topic so many suffer the negative effects of. I have always thought with dread of a world where we are all the same. Beautifully illustrated Marta.
Thank you Bronwyn. I’ve been thinking about the complexities of “color” since reading Trevor Noah’s autobiography “Born a Crime.” and visiting South Africa where under apartheid color was even more insanely and ruthlessly delineated. Then when I read in “The Body: a Guide for Users” by Bill Bryson how very small a part of our bodies controls color — the idea came together.