The mental state of thoughts or emotions in the mind is usually shown through facial expressions. Some people keep a “poker face” and don’t show their emotions, but most people show their emotions through their faces.
You can guess the emotions of the other person from the subtle movements of the eyes, eyebrows,lips, and nose on the face.

It is possible to express emotions the face itself without having to express it in words. Sometimes I think that facial expression can replace a state that cannot be expressed in words.
For now, I also don’t know how this prompt “faces” will be revealed as a work. As always, it seems that the outline will be visible only after going through a lot of thought process.

3 thoughts on “Face

  1. This has been a very BUSY past month, and I have seen and enjoyed sooo many human faces in many different settings – the happy, the angry, the excited and the hurt or depressed… they each have told me a story.

    You will know as the days go forward, just how FACES will evolve in your work…

  2. I hope our artists won’t shy away from human faces in this project. I look forward to seeing the results of our focus on this prompt.

Tell us what you think.