Thank you for your wonderful writing and photos about Water.
Too much water can be a threat, and too little water can make life difficult,
but can also sometimes show us beautiful scenery.
I thought the theme would be flowing water, but then I noticed a small landscape reflected in a puddle.
Clouds flowing in the sky, bubbles disappearing and reappearing, and small fishes moving around.
It is natural process that never stops for even a moment.

4-7 The water flows 40×30
cotton、organza, net, shrinkage cloth
sewing machine
I’m drawn to the texture and transparency in this design. Thank you for an excellent theme!
We see many beautiful accents as your design develops, Micky. Your connection to the layers of cloth brings us many ideas about what we see and love in the waters we treasure. I love the circles of movement raining down and bold colours.