We all have habits. Some good and some bad. I cannot begin to tell you the habits I have had throughout my life or how many I have stopped only to replace them with other habits. Smoking….stopped and replaced with candy. Candy….under control…I think?
Sewing habits are no different. Where you keep your scissors or how you stack your fabric. Do you stack by colour or size or theme?
I have many sewing habits. Especially when I work in my studio. I start out organized and before you know it I am in a mess. Fabric on the floor, missing scissors and changing my mind a hundred times. This is my “ happy habit”.
Even though I am in a mess , I am having the best time!
When I teach at the college, I try to be organized so my students think I am in control. This starts out good but slowly the mess shows up. I try to explain that this is “creative” thinking at its best. They love it!
I have learned to accept this “bad “ habit in the class and my studio.
Would I like to change this? Sure! Will I…..probably not.
My piece for our Habit challenge was no different. I changed my mind several times. I could not zero in on one idea. (Another bad habit of mine)
The top pieces that are appliquéd on were from the first idea which I abandoned quickly. I did not like the colours. They seemed too dark and still without a “habit” theme. The background piece is a piece I made for another project that also did not work. I have a collection of many pieces that did not work.
AHA! This is my habit! I keep making things just to be busy and keep creative which constantly opens up new ideas! So I rest my case. Here is my “ Habit” submission!
I used fabric that I had printed from a photo I took, then cut it up and pieced it back together.
The appliquéd pieces were made from scraps sewn onto a batting then covered with netting , quilted and cut into their shapes
The overall piece is 15” X 40”

I always love to hear your thoughts. And I nearly always identify with them. Including this time. And what a delightful visual expression of them!
Exciting share, Al… and reading your notes above, and knowing how much time you spend in the courses you have developed and instructed Haliburton, I have learned to love your focus on length and layering. I am impressed with the machine stitch that runs off in many directions. Well done!
I especially enjoy the dark irregular lines in this work. What is the size?