When I read about our new prompt, I remembered some fabrics that I made during my summer artist residency in 2019. I had sun-dyed some fabric with sun paint and natural plant materials. These were just waiting for the right opportunity, and as they were literally made by sunlight I thought this is a good idea!

I pieced the sun-printed fabrics together and decided to hand stitch the quilt to get a more organic feel that would represent the forest floor and wild vegetation. The sun rays peeking through the dense woods are made from organza and machine-stitched onto the patchwork.

In the Deep Woods
Regina Marzlin
Dimensions: h 40″ x w 28.5″
Material: sun-dyed and monoprinted cotton, paint, organza, embroidery floss
Technique: printing, piecing, hand- and machine stitching
I really like how your sun prints are more than one color in a single panel. Great idea, and so effective in this piece!
Did you give “the sun” co-credit for this one? haha. . .
I love that you shared the magic of the sun, and your artist’s plan. Technique play, awaiting the work of the light..
Thank you Bethany, the fabrics were just perfect for the prompt!
Perfect use of sun printed fabrics. Lovely feel
Thank you Lisa!
thanks for sharing how you made the piece. Every Spring I mean to do some sun dyeing, but never get around to it. This is a very effective use of the technique.
Thank you Jeanne, yes, I was happy to include the sun prints, sometimes it pays off to wait for the perfect use for fabrics.