39″ x 23.6″
(Hand dyed cotton, breakdown printing, machine stitching)
The anatomy of the pelvic floor is wonderfully well constructed, because this small muscle group has to perform a variety of very demanding tasks:
It closes our torso downwards. Since gravity is on it all day through our upright walk, those muscles literally get no rest. Changes in pressure caused by coughing, lifting and jumping are cushioned elastically.
The closure of the excretory organs is also part of the pelvic floor – the sphincter cycles must function reliably.
Hoewever, men and women differ in the anatomy of the pelvic floor. Basically, the sexes‘ anatomy is genereally very similar, with one exception: the pelvis.
The male pelvis is steeper, the pelvic outlet is narrower and the protruding bones, buttocks and tailbone, protrude further into the middle. The pelvic floor is thicker and firmer. That is why the male sex is called „the stronger“.
In women, on the other side, the pelvis is wider and the pelvic opening round and large. The head of an infant has to fit through here. Simply, it is a principle of evolution.
Although we think we know really much about the human body, in reality our knowledge is just a tiny piece oft the entirety of the things there are to know.

Hallo Dörthe, deine Färben sind so schön gewählt und das Quilten ist super! Ich Liebe die einfache Darstellung, dadurch kommt das Becken sehr gut raus!
Am amazing concept executed really well. I love the techniques and the textures as well as the subject matter.
I love how you achieved such great texture by layering dense stitching over your breakdown printed fabrics. Well done!
Thank you! An anatomy lesson as well as a richly layered quilt.
Thanks for the lesson! Very interesting quilt.