I went WHIMSICAL with this quilt.

I began by pulling out several of my collection of shirts, skirts, and dresses that had stripes or lines on them. I chose lots of light neutrals for background and then limited the colors of the darker pieces. Laying out some shapes, I began seeing characters . . .

Working with mostly shirts gave me some interesting sleeve shapes, and using parts that had shapes cut out for previous projects added more inspiring ideas. I knew I wanted to make figures. An upside down black sleeve cried out to become a shirt.

As you can see, I have boundary issues. It’s often hard for me to stay within the lines. These ugly clogs were soon discarded for fancier dancing shoes. He also received a nice nose job.

A fun dance partner began to form. Our guy’s hand needed to be adjusted.

And adjusted once again. His arms bulked up to fit those broad shoulders. Our girl was given the very last scrap of a favorite yellow and orange spiral print for her pony tail. Lucky girl.

Hand stitching through all the layers and seams of those shirts was challenging and required pliers in some cases.

So many lines, I just had to title it Line Dancing. Details:

Line Dancing
42 by 27.5”
Upcycled cotton and rayon fabrics, buttons, buttonholes, embroidery threads.
Raw edge hand applique, hand quilting
ラインダンス 私はこのキルトで気まぐれになりました。 私は、ストライプやラインが入ったシャツ、スカート、ドレスのコレクションをいくつか引き出すことから始めました. 背景に明るいニュートラルをたくさん選び、暗い部分の色を制限しました。 いくつかの形を並べると、文字が見え始めました。 . . ほとんどのシャツで作業すると、いくつかの興味深い袖の形状が得られ、以前のプロジェクトで形状を切り取ったパーツを使用すると、さらに刺激的なアイデアが追加されました. 私はフィギュアを作りたいと思っていました。 逆さまの黒い袖が叫び声をあげてシャツになった。 ご覧のとおり、境界の問題があります。 線の中にとどまるのが難しいことがよくあります。 これらの醜い下駄は、より洗練されたダンスシューズのためにすぐに捨てられました. 彼はまた、素敵な鼻の仕事を受けました。 楽しいダンスパートナーが形成され始めました。 私たちの男の手を調整する必要がありました。 そしてもう一度調整。 彼の腕は、その広い肩に合うようにかさばりました。 私たちの女の子は、ポニーテールのお気に入りの黄色とオレンジ色のスパイラルプリントの最後のスクラップを与えられました. ラッキーガール。 これらのシャツのすべての層と縫い目を手作業で縫うのは困難で、場合によってはペンチが必要でした. セリフが多すぎて、タイトルを「ライン ダンシング」にしました。 詳細: ラインダンス 42×27.5インチ アップサイクルされたコットンとレーヨン生地、ボタン、ボタンホール、刺繍糸。 ローエッジハンドアップリケ、ハンドキルティング
Karol, I love the whimsy and motion of this!
A wonderful playful interpretation! They dance so joyfully, you nailed it!
Totally in awe of the black platform shoes. Your whole piece is fun and quirky and screams 1970s. She looks like she has an afro. Very cool man, even though it is line dancing which surely qualifies as country music, which was never cool in the 70s.
Your Quilt is such a joyful piece of art Karol. Lovely!!
Brilliant!! . . . from the title down to your finishing hand stitches. Your colour balance and sense of fun underlines this work!
Since I am still learning how to use ‘line’ to the fullest in my own fibre art work, your process images, along with your commentary are invaluable. Would love to see more of that in future posts from all the clothincommon artists.
I like cute works using clothes LINE.
My favorite Cloth in Common posts are the ones that show the process, so thank you for sharing all of these photos with some explanations This looks like it was a joy to make from start to finish.
My favorite of yours so far! And, been there with the pliers thing.
So lively, joyous, inventive, and wonderful! I’d love the expression on the woman’s face…and the man’s hair!
Karol, your work is always so creative. Great idea to use the cuff button hole for the earlobe.
Karol to turn lines into a quilt with a line dancer is very creative. I wish I had that much experience to make beautiful faces. A wonderful result!