Martha Ressler

Ironically I am vacationing in Ireland where it rains and there is water aplenty.
But my theme for this prompt will be aquifers and their depletion.
Deep below the ground is the water source for much of the US. Our well for example is 250 feet deep. ( 76.2 meters).
It took millions of years for aquifers to form, and they are emptying faster than they can be replenished, especially in the dry southwest of the US.
In our county, Berks in Pennsylvania, there is only one monitoring well.
In the neighboring county of Chester there are 14!
So in reality where we live we don’t know accurately how depleted our source of water is.
When it rains only some water seeps into the ground to eventually make it’s way deep into the earth. Most is runoff.
So the connection to “change” becomes obvious.
We’re losing our aquifers.
I’ll be able to finish my quilt when I return home. I’m excited that we’ll have so many takes on this excellent prompt.
The aquifer is precious in so many lives, and losing the depths of water is seen in many areas. We are seeing more rain in Canada, and yet the hugely high humidity is our nemesis! I am keen to learn more from your post coming along soon, Martha.
Thank you, Beth. I left home in a heat wave and no rain. It’s so refreshing but strange to be in a temperate climate here where there is plenty of water.