September 28 2020 Mikiko Takase

My father bought a TV for my sick and elderly grandmother in 1960. She exclaimed, “There is some small person inside that box.” Now, years later, I am part of a generation that has lived with media for a long time, but still struggles to keep pace. Only the young who grew up with computer games from infancy are comfortable with these “toys”. The older generation still trusts what we can see, touch and feel. We thought early TV dramas like “Bewitched” were amazing when Samantha could do anything by simply wiggling her nose.
Media seems to say that this Magical World is close upon us. That same Media also shows us the stresses of our time: unbearable hot summers, massive earthquake disasters plus a deadly-Covid 19 virus that crosses all world boundaries. Can people rely on media to help us continue in this magical world with technologies often beyond our comprehension?
2-8 Media 31×40
Cotton fabric , organdy ribbon
machine sewing , embroidery, applique stencil
Thank you for your very kind comments.
Love the playful mix and the sign post that tries to show us a way through this media jungle.
This piece really illustrates a feeling of being immersed in media wherever we go. The details are delightful, and as always your choices and execution are beautifully executed.
Mine too will be about a lot of media. (still not finished!) Great to see your intrepretation of this. We have so much in common, although we grew up on opposite sides of the globe. I too remember Samantha’s twitching nose! Wish I could use that trick myself.
私もたくさんのメディアになります。 (まだ終わっていません!)これについてのあなたの解釈を見るのは素晴らしいことです。私たちは地球の反対側で育ちましたが、私たちには多くの共通点があります。私もサマンサの鼻のけいれんを覚えています!そのトリックを自分で使えるといいのに。
I loved taking the time to look at every small aspect of this stunning artwork – the memories, the reminders and the colour and stitch all took time to consider. A wonderful, shared storyline for all of us to contemplate! Congrats – beautifully executed!