My Avatar Lives in a Treehouse
Martha Ressler, 3-4, Building
I knew right away that I wanted to create a treehouse. I loved my treehouse as a child, and was always climbing trees.
As I walked, I kept my eyes peeled for the perfect tree. The best were not in a forest (they don’t branch out low enough), but in suburban areas in people’s yards.

I had fun dreaming about what kind of tree house would work best in what tree, and how elaborate I could dream it up.
In the end, the treehouses I “built” were relatively simple, not wanting my quilt to become too complicated visually.

Thanks for the great prompt – a simple and obvious one for the overall theme of “Structures.”
ツリーハウスを作りたいとすぐに思いました。 私は子供の頃、樹上の家が大好きで、いつも木登りをしていました。
歩きながら、完璧な木を求めて目をむいていた。 最高のものは森の中ではなく(十分に低く枝分かれしていません)、人々の庭の郊外にありました。
Martha Ressler
Dimensions: h” x w”
What a great idea, and you found the perfect tree indeed. A fun piece!
I always wanted a treehouse as well
Amazingly fun, and FANTASTIC – so much thought and play went into this piece, Martha…I’ll be looking at this one for many days before I discover all the detail and small treasures hidden here.. well done!