All life started with a single cell. During embryogenesis this cell is divided several times first building a cell cluster. Each of those is the precursor for a separate type of cells, e.g. liver cells, immune cells, neurons or muscle cells. They are all different in size, shape and function. But still, they are all cells with the same genomic prerequisites. It does not matter if this cell is made to fight against bacteria or store fat or help you move, they all contain the same DNA. Isn’t that amazing?
In general, plant cells and animal cells are quite different from another, e.g. plant cells contain a rigid cell wall whereas animal cells (and therefore also our human cells) only have a flexible cell membrane. Also, in the cell there are different structures that keep the cell organized. There are so many reactions happening in one cell at the same time, that you need to form different “reaction spaces” for everything going on.
When you look at cells under the microscope, you can spot those incredible structures of the smallest living unit.

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