by Martha Ressler
When I heard the prompt “Isolation” what first came to mind was some of the photographs of Jay Ressler, my husband.

I thought about using one of those and playing with it.

What also came to mind was ways of beating back isolation. I am fascinated by stories of prisoners in solitary confinement figuring out ways to communicate, like fishing.
As I have worked in my studio and home during the pandemic, I have not felt the full weight of isolation. So many links keep me tethered to the world. Like Facebook and Instagram, and instant messaging with friends near and far.
I relish comparing notes with a friend in the UK, art quilt friends and book buddies. I have continued to shop in stores, and there have been occasions of interactions with my local artist friends.

Plus, my living situation is conducive to riding this out. I cannot complain about the location, or the company (my husband and a cat). And, we’ve continued to operate our Airbnb, with an variety of guests.

In the end I have chosen one of Jay’s photographs and added some joy.

パンデミックの間、私は自分のスタジオと自宅で働いていたので、孤立の重みを十分に感じていませんでした。非常に多くのリンクが私を世界につなぎとめています。 FacebookやInstagramのように、近くや遠くの友達とのインスタントメッセージング。英国の友達、アートキルトの友達、本の仲間とメモを比較するのが好きです。私は店で買い物を続けており、地元のアーティストの友達と交流する機会がありました。
Beautiful and thoughtful photos chosen just for this time of isolation, and a gentle reminder of how important HOME can be for each of us. These days my TETT Centre Studio is home more often than not, but I love my small house in the country. Loved this lovely post and your new work!