Colour is so much about our personal perceptions, how we view our work and the world around us. I like strong contrast and I love to challenge myself to try and arrived at a colour combination that shifts under the eye of the viewer, making you unsure whether you are looking at the positive or negative, a foreground or background object. You can do this by working with the opposites on the colour wheel – red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet, layering them and putting them in close proximity.
I am short sighted and wear prescription glasses. When I am working on a piece I have it on my design wall. I find that if I take my glasses off and walk out of the room, then turn around and view it from a distance, I often see things jumping around in the work that I didn’t deliberately create. On summer nights I have been known to go outside and view things through the lighted, uncurtained window, in order to change my perspective.

For this challenge, I had in mind two current celestial happenings, the Geomagnetic storms we are experiencing around the world and the close passing to Earth of the Devil Comet, aka 12P/Pons-Brooks, the first time since 1954, which was a couple of years before I was born. Given that it will be another 71 years before it is back, I guess it is likely that, for me at least, it is a once in a lifetime event.
I wasn’t ready to undertake the Aurora Australis in fabric, though the intense emerald green and magenta of the photographs published online were definitely tempting, so I attempted a comet, roaring and tumbling and powering through space, shedding ice and dust and rock to create the tail of the Devil Comet. Then I looked at some of my abandoned pieces and realised they were similar in style but a different colour, less orange and more green. I spliced them together to form my parallel universe.

I live away from the lights of a town, so unless it is overcast, the Milky Way, the planets and the moon are usually visible. We had a great view of Halley’s Comet in 1986. It’s a bit too cold tonight to stand outside and view my little parallel universe through a lighted window, but I’ll keep looking over time to see what is hidden in there. Might take a while, there is a whole universe to see.

Completed: May 2024
Dimensions: 99 mm H X 965 mm W
39” H X 38” W
Materials: Commercial printed cotton fabric; applied surface of strips of new
and recycled cotton fabric; 3M Reflective Tape; Hi Viz vest.
Technique: Raw-edge appliqué with applied vliesofix. Freehand stitched quilted pattern over the entire surface using a small longarm.
I enjoy seeing complementary colors like you use in this. The way you spliced two quilts together seems like time traveling. I got an impression of graffiti layers at first look. It’s very interesting.
Bronwyn, your artwork is simply amazing – a dynamic design and we see many moving colours that speak to us as we explore your quilt. Exciting, and will draw many visits from future sharing in shows or calls for entry!