Martha Ressler

Revolution, 4-11

Politically,  revolution is the most radical of changes.

As an American I am particularly interested in the American Revolution – the war for independence from England. And the Civil War, which was also a revolution to overturn the slavocracy in the South.

But our country is relatively young. Only our 250 anniversary comes up next year.

Other countries have their own histories with revolutions.

But the word has many meanings:


  1. an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
  2. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence. Compare social evolution.
  3. a sudden, complete or marked change in something:

the present revolution in church architecture.

  1. a procedure or course, as if in a circuit, back to a starting point.
  2. a single turn of this kind.

Synonyms: rotationroundcircuitcycle

  1. Mechanics.
    1. a turning round or rotating, as on an axis.
    2. a moving in a circular or curving course, as about a central point.
    3. a single cycle in such a course.
  2. Astronomy.
    1. (not in technical use) rotation ( def 2 ).
    2. the orbiting of one heavenly body around another.
    3. a single course of such movement.
  3. a round or cycle of events in time or a recurring period of time.
  4. Geology. a time of worldwide orogeny and mountain-building.

I can hardly wait to see what you do with “Revolution!”








1. 既存の政府または政治体制を、統治される人々によって転覆または拒否し、完全に置き換えること。

2. 社会学。社会および社会構造における急進的で広範な変化。特に、突然、しばしば暴力を伴う変化。社会進化と比較してください。

3. 何かにおける突然の、完全な、または顕著な変化。


4. まるで巡回しているかのように、出発点に戻る手順またはコース。

5. この種の単一の方向転換。同義語: 回転、一周、回路、周期

6. 力学。

1. 軸を中心に回転すること。

2. 中心点を中心に円を描くように動くこと。

3. そのような軌道を一周すること。

7. 天文学。

1. (専門用語ではない) 回転 (定義 2)。

2. ある天体が別の天体の周りを周回すること。

3. そのような運動の 1 周。

8. 時間または周期的な期間における一連の出来事。

9. 地質学。世界規模の造山運動と山岳形成の時期。



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